I did not have time to work on a particular case. And that is why this month’s post is the second one from “Short posts” series I would like to mention here few things which were/are occupying my time recently. Maybe in June I’ll write more focused on one topic and longer post (however it will be UEFA Euro 2012 so we will see… :p).
Who does not know WordPress? A big blogging system which I used for my blog. But also which many used for their blogs and… People and small businesses even build web-pages based on WordPress as a content management system. Finally, I did try it too and I got impressed how easy it is to build a theme and plugins for WordPress. There were only two things I did not like much: lots of WordPress plugins are written in the way we call spaghetti code + the internationalization process is quite odd for me and too much time consuming. But still, I would like to build more plugins themes, maybe contribute in a WP project. We will see. I will let you know if anything of that will come true For know, I encourage you to read a little bit more WordPress documentation.
At the beginning of this month we gave again few talks to Poznań’s students of Poznań University of Technology. This time we told a little bit more about PhantomJS project, mobile development and I talked about handling errors in PHP. This time the meeting was special because after talks we went to KontenerART to talk more with some beers in our hands. Thanks to that, I got interesting feedback that my presentation could have been more technical. However, later we agreed that it is hard to be talking for 30 minutes about PHP errors only from the technical point of view You can find my presentation here and the other presentation (also from previous meetings) here.
jQuery event handling
Last but not least thing I would like to mention is an interesting thing about jQuery and its Event object. We found it out recently during our work on wikia.com page. I’ve learnt that the jQuery event object except target property has also other interesting properties. One of them is currentTarget. I did few tests and put my thoughts here but then, the post stopped to be a short one So, more about it with some simple code examples can be found in the next post.