This month I’m writting about command pattern. This is another design pattern which helps us decoupling some actions in similar way to strategy pattern. To be more specific it makes us able to encapsulate method invocation. The last word made me thinking of PHP unit tests while reading — but I’ll get back to it …
Category Archive: General
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May 25
Design patterns: singleton
This month I’d like to write about singleton pattern and tell you how it’s described in Head First: Design Patterns book. This chapter was one of the shortest in the book, so far. I read it a while ago and wanted to post about it earlier but as always… lack of free time didn’t let …
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Apr 30
Design patterns: factory
Next chapter in the book is quite long but it presents actually two design patterns: factory method and abstract factory. Both are explained to the reader in the same context: you are an owner of successful pizza shop. At the beginning the code of an application which helps you with your pizza shop is really …
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Mar 31
Design patterns: decorator
It is about time for next design pattern which I have learnt by reading the book I have already mentioned several times[1, 2] on this blog Let’s do not make this prelude too long and start with book examples of decorator pattern. Book examples This time we learn Starbuzz Coffee. They got really popular and their …
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Feb 23
Design patterns: observer
As I promised myself every month one design pattern from the book will be described by me on this blog. This month’s design pattern is the observer pattern. I will start with definition this time: The Observer Pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all of its dependents …
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Jan 14
Design patterns: strategy
I became a little bit lazier at the end of previous year. Of course in terms of taking care of this blog But, new year has come! And as it usually is new goals are slowly being visible on the horizon. One of those goals for me will be getting more familiar with software design …
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Oct 28
Mouse middle-click and WebKit browsers
Recently, I worked on a bug reported by our user about broken middle-click functionality on one specific page. First what you do when you found such a bug report you are trying to reproduce it. I went to this page in production environment using Firefox and everything worked as expected. I went to this page …
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Sep 29
Almost two weeks ago Damian Wielgosik announced on his blog new project connected directly with JavaScript: Shortly after Damian’s post another post (on blog) about the project appeared. And Andrzej Mazur reminded on his blog that domain had been bought by Damian a while ago. He seemed glad that finally something …
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Aug 31
Even faster web sites summary
I’ve written a summary of first book about performance written by Steve Souders few months ago. And also few weeks ago, maybe months I’ve finished the next part of Souders performance books. But this book wasn’t written only by the web performance guru I read chapters written by: Douglas Crockford, Ben Galbraith, Dion Almaer, Nicholas …
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Jul 30
JavaScript promise
There is still this book on my shelf I am trying to finish: Head First Design Patterns. I know I could get a great knowledge, I do not have now, just by reading this book. But from the other site, I know that by only reading it I will not be able to make any …
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