This month I’d like to write about singleton pattern and tell you how it’s described in Head First: Design Patterns book. This chapter was one of the shortest in the book, so far. I read it a while ago and wanted to post about it earlier but as always… lack of free time didn’t let …
Category Archive: PHP
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Apr 30
Design patterns: factory
Next chapter in the book is quite long but it presents actually two design patterns: factory method and abstract factory. Both are explained to the reader in the same context: you are an owner of successful pizza shop. At the beginning the code of an application which helps you with your pizza shop is really …
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Mar 31
Design patterns: decorator
It is about time for next design pattern which I have learnt by reading the book I have already mentioned several times[1, 2] on this blog Let’s do not make this prelude too long and start with book examples of decorator pattern. Book examples This time we learn Starbuzz Coffee. They got really popular and their …
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Feb 23
Design patterns: observer
As I promised myself every month one design pattern from the book will be described by me on this blog. This month’s design pattern is the observer pattern. I will start with definition this time: The Observer Pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all of its dependents …
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Jan 14
Design patterns: strategy
I became a little bit lazier at the end of previous year. Of course in terms of taking care of this blog But, new year has come! And as it usually is new goals are slowly being visible on the horizon. One of those goals for me will be getting more familiar with software design …
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Apr 22
Talks by AKAI & Wikia
Last weekend we started all Engineering All Hands 2012. It made my days even shorten than before. Finally, I’m relaxing this weekend: sleeping, playing games, taking long walks, reading… and (I made it!) writing. This time it will be just a short post about cooperation between AKAI, which is web-application fans’ club gathering students from …
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Mar 25
php constant() function
Even though I’ve been creating PHP applications and small pages for few years there are still lots of surprising and sometimes magic abilities of this language. Some of them we heard from other programmers. Some we discover during our daily work. Today I’d like to share with you about a built-in function which the way …
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Feb 01
Was Steve Souders wrong?
Hi! Wow, it’s been a while again. Sorry about that but the end of December and entire January were really busy for me. The fact I had 6 updates waiting in my WordPress dashboard just proves more how long I didn’t visit this page. Nothing changes about me having no time for anything… The same …
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Oct 31
PHPCon PL 2011, Day 2
This post is more about whole event than about the second day of it. But the second day was most important because it lasted whole day. And it had 10 talks instead of 3 (like it was on Friday and Sunday). Second presentation was about profiling PHP applications by Derick Rethans. It was second presentation …
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Oct 22
PHPCon PL 2011, Day 1
The begining of PHPCon 2011 in MÄ…chocice near Kielce wasn’t something special. To be more honest and maybe even ruthless: it was boring and completly waste of time. My friends who came with me and myself were really disappointed. And as I looked on faces of other attenders — the feelings were similar or the …
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