Category Archive: JavaScript

Jan 31

Design patterns: proxy


New 2014 year did not start easy for me in terms of describing new design pattern I have learnt by reading the book. The cause of it is next chapter I have read more than a month ago. It describes new proxy pattern but it describes it mostly in Java environment. However, it does not …

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Oct 28

Mouse middle-click and WebKit browsers

Recently, I worked on a bug reported by our user about broken middle-click functionality on one specific page. First what you do when you found such a bug report you are trying to reproduce it. I went to this page in production environment using Firefox and everything worked as expected. I went to this page …

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Sep 29

Almost two weeks ago Damian Wielgosik announced on his blog new project connected directly with JavaScript: Shortly after Damian’s post another post (on blog) about the project appeared. And Andrzej Mazur reminded on his blog that domain had been bought by Damian a while ago. He seemed glad that finally something …

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Aug 31

Even faster web sites summary

I’ve written a summary of first book about performance written by Steve Souders few months ago. And also few weeks ago, maybe months I’ve finished the next part of Souders performance books. But this book wasn’t written only by the web performance guru I read chapters written by: Douglas Crockford, Ben Galbraith, Dion Almaer, Nicholas …

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Jul 30

JavaScript promise

There is still this book on my shelf I am trying to finish: Head First Design Patterns. I know I could get a great knowledge, I do not have now, just by reading this book. But from the other site, I know that by only reading it I will not be able to make any …

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Jun 16

jQuery event object

This post is copy of a part of previous post. I’ve just started to adding new updates to the previous one and finally decided to make it a different one What is it about? It’s about something most of you know if you work a lot with jQuery or if you read its documentation more …

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May 29

Short post #2

I did not have time to work on a particular case. And that is why this month’s post is the second one from “Short posts” series I would like to mention here few things which were/are occupying my time recently. Maybe in June I’ll write more focused on one topic and longer post (however it …

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Feb 11

Summary of “High Performance Web Sites” by Steve Souders

Finally I did read the book I mentioned in my previous post. Here are the 14 steps/rules presented by Steve Souders and my short description of them. Make fewer HTTP requests The main rule which is connected to some of the next rules. It’s also the most effective for first-time visitors to your web site …

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Feb 01

Was Steve Souders wrong?

Hi! Wow, it’s been a while again. Sorry about that but the end of December and entire January were really busy for me. The fact I had 6 updates waiting in my WordPress dashboard just proves more how long I didn’t visit this page. Nothing changes about me having no time for anything… The same …

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Dec 04

CSS3 – 3D transformation – inspired by meet.js

meet.js, Poznań, 2011-11-25 Last Friday, 25th of November, I attended to meet.js event in Poznań. (Well it was two weeks ago but just after the meeting I started to write this post…) The meeting started quite early at 6pm. Usually I’m still at work at this time but this time I made it and left …

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